Government Lies Continue Today

As I mentioned in the previous article, “we the people” have been lied to for many years. I refer to this as a “perfect indoctrination”. The government in this country has through stealth operations, slowly taken the rights from people who were not exercising them. The phrase “use them or lose them” comes to mind in this scenario. Keep in mind, it is not just fighting to reinstate our Constitution, it’s fighting to keep our rights as we know them. Our government is constantly trying to find ways to take what we have as rights in this country away from the citizens. Yet today, if you point everything I am talking about to the average man-on-the-street, you will probably be laughed at and ignored. This is a typical reaction to information that once verified to be the truth, is not accepted by those that believe the government education to be accurate. Now is the time to make people realize that our government is not a benevolent government.

I will say that our government is nothing more than a vehicle of plunder, and an outlet for redistribution of wealth. There were no entitlements in this country at the turn of the previous century. Yet now that we are in the 21st century, all you hear about is the need to have entitlements and that they can not be cut for any reason. What was wrong with communities helping out the less fortunate like we once did? Why does taxpayer money from hard-working Americans have to be taken at the point of a gun to be redistributed to those that do not feel the self-worth to work themselves? Please do not mistake what I am saying as being uncaring or cold to those that are legitimately in need for such services. I am quite the opposite. In my opinion, if you want to give to the truly needy, it should be left to the individual to do it on an individual basis.

The government response to such an idea is that the individual would not do so on their own. Might I point out the American people are the most generous, most caring, and most compassionate of all the people in the world. We do this in the name of God, the same God in which this country was founded under. We do and will take care of our own, just like we take care of those in other parts of the world when they are faced with natural disasters.

The Governments lies

This is a subject near and dear to my heart as I have done a lot of research over this title. If you are outside of the United States, you perhaps will find a pattern that has also happened in your country. The United States government has for many years given the people of our country the illusion that we have a Constitution that protects “we the people” from our governments tyrannical intrusion into our lives. Yet as time has gone by, the government has grown more brazen at it’s intrusion into the privacy of our citizens lives. The biggest reason is because while government grew braver in stepping into our lives, at the same time, government was dumbing down the public so they would accept the intrusion as a normal way of doing things.

Knowing the indoctrination would never be questioned, the government has become more and more intrusive. It is now time that the lies were made public. It is also time to educate those that love the freedoms and liberties that the Constitution of the United States promises and guarantees. Just like roaches in the light, when exposed the government officials and banksters responsible for the biggest fraud ever committed in a country, run when they are exposed! If you are reading this in the USA, think for just one moment on this. How many times have you ever heard a politician speak about citizens rights under what we know as our Constitution? The illusion the elite have perpetuated is that we still currently have rights under this document. In all actuality, we do NOT. The Constitution of the US was suspended almost immediately after Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn into office. I encourage all of you reading this blog to verify what I am saying.

The greatest president in my lifetime to date, Ronald Reagan said once, “trust but verify”. I encourage you all to do the same thing. It is now time to expose the lies, and educate the people if we have any real hope in saving this great nation we all love as Americans.