Aurora Colorado is not a reason for ending or changing the Second Amendment

The recent shooting and tragedy that took place in Aurora Co. is no reason to change or end our 2nd Amendment rights. Contrary to the news medias belief, pro-gun legislation does NOT encourage such tragedies to take place. Throughout history, anytime pro-gun legislation is introduced in jurisdictions, crime rates without fail go down. As amazing as it may seem to be, the US media NEVER talks about countries that have taken firearms away from their citizens. Instead, they talk about how bad it is that Americans have gun rights and that we should give them all up so that only criminals will have guns.

My question to the American public is this, you have given up rights once before in the name of security, do you really think that the government is going to do a better job of protecting you if you give up your guns so you can be safe? The founding fathers felt that gun ownership was a basic right given to us all by God. Why are we willing to give up God-given rights to an entity that never had the rights to give to begin with? My heart and sympathy go out to the families of the victims of the horrendous shooting in Colorado. I would like to point out however, had pro-gun legislation been enacted in the town of Aurora, most likely the death toll would not have been so high.

For all of those that cower down and say that we need more gun control, remember one thing, when times get rough and you have to defend your loved ones and hard-earned property from someone who has illegally obtained a firearm, remember how much you feel that gun is responsible for the position you are in. Keep in mind that gun does not fire itself, the person holding it DOES! If gun control is the answer to the problem of irresponsible people killing the public, then perhaps the problem can never be solved. Political correctness again falls into this situation because government had the nerve to encroach on private rights, and the people allowed it to happen without question.

The 2nd Amendment is one of the cornerstone amendments to personal rights in this country. It alone is a good reason why a majority of people who immigrated (legally) here over the last 230 some odd years did so. Not one person that legally came into this country did so for handouts from the federal government, NOT ONE! The current political party in power today believe that our Constitution was erroneously written because it did not give all power to a central government. Once again I have to point out, that if people wanted government handouts legal immigration would not have been as high over the existence of our country. People left their country because they wanted a place free from tyranny. They did not leave it just to come to another country that was just as bad or worse than the one they left!

Happy Birthday America, Thank you Founding Fathers

Some two hundred and thirty-six years ago a group of men decided that they were tired of the tyranny from the British Crown, and took a stand. These men were not powerful because of all of their riches and money they had, they were men of dignity and honor. Can anyone imagine how politically incorrect those men would be today in the exact same country these men had founded? These men had it right, they knew that an over intrusive government would take everything they had earned. Amazingly enough, today we have an entire generation of adults that see nothing wrong with government taking what they want from the fruits of their labor, and giving it to people who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.

Shortly after declaring their independence from the crown, most of the same men came together again and created a document that has served this country well until just about four years ago. The founding fathers knew that corruption was something that would creep into all facets of government, however only a moral people could govern themselves, our founders felt that the people of this country would always be moral enough to govern themselves. Our Constitution is one of the longest standing governing documents with the least amount of amendments in the world. It has remained that way because the Constitution didn’t give all of the power to the government created by the people, it gave the people the power to create a government that WOULD answer to its creator.

The biggest reason that the world has had people flocking here is because of these simple, yet effective principles. A government that governs least governs best, and the smaller the government, the least intrusive it is to the people being represented. If this were the way of the governments anywhere else in the world, would the USA be the biggest hope for freedom? Keep in mind, the founders created a country that did not allow for tyranny by those governing the people who elected them. They knew the ugliness of tyranny and wanted to be free to live their lives as they saw fit with little or no interference from government. We all know today how that has worked out.

Our founding fathers were brilliant men, it’s too bad those that govern the people of this country have no idea what honor, and integrity are today. We as Americans have a responsibility to our founders to continue this country on the path it was placed on when it was founded. Only time will tell if this country is worthy of the men that founded it. I can only hope that history will show us as the best hope for freedom long after I have left this world. So having said that, I would like to say Happy Birthday America, and rest in peace to our founding fathers. Some of us still believe in what you founded and recognize the sacrifices you made in creating this great nation.