If there were any doubt….

Sometimes life literally hands us all funny material that just can’t be passed up to comment on. As bad as Barry Soetoro and his minions have been for this country, you have to admire him for having Joe Biden as a Vice President! Obviously the choice was to use Biden as comic relief! I read an article today where V.P. Biden is talking about a “global tax” for American products because he doesn’t think the American worker should continue subsidizing the world with our taxes. Really? If that were the real concern of the Barry Soetoro regime, why not lower the corporate tax rate to bring back businesses, and increase production in this country, and believe it or not, it would make American made goods competitive with all of the other countries goods in the world market place. Joe, your comment about the healthcare law being a big f***ing deal may have been your attempt at seriousness, but this is hilarious!

Joe, I know this is going to come as a complete shock to you, but in your tiny little empty space between your ears it appears that you are only firing on the one highly incapacitated brain cell. Joe if you really do feel that the taxpayers should be allowed to invest in domestic companies rather than those abroad, why don’t you and your daddy Barry sit down and discuss what I mentioned previously. I know this will also come as a shock to you, but most of those companies that Americans are investing in abroad, are in most cases companies that moved out of this country because of the corporate tax rate. Oh yeah, one other thing Joe, just who would collect this global tax? Have you never heard the old saying “no honor among thieves”? I can just see this now, the United States imposes a “global tax” and every government that the United States chooses to collect those taxes are going to just hand the money over in US dollars to us when we come to collect the imposed taxes.

If there were any doubt as to why the rest of the world has been rolling on the floor laughing at the United States for the last 3 years, Joe you are living proof of why. I realize this is nothing more than rhetoric and also nothing more than an attempt to continue your theft of tax payer money for the next four years, but please, please Joe, before you prove to the entire world that not only are the voters complete idiots for electing you and Barry, you have some kind of economic education and knowledge about yourself.

Like I said at the beginning, sometimes life actually hands you material you just can’t help resist to comment on.

Social justice will have to wait, Barry wants re-election first

With all of the uproar in the Trayvon Martin case in the media, the thought occurred to me this morning as to why nothing has really been done to bring closure to the case. With the leftist media bringing up the race card to incite the race baiters, the one fact that has not been mentioned is the truth as to why nothing has been done to convict or to acquit George Zimmerman. The leftist media is trying to create the case for the incident to be one of a “hate crime.” However, Barry Soetoro will need to utilize the entire hispanic community (legitimate citizens or criminal aliens), in order to remain in the White House for at least the next 4 years.

This is why the justice department has kept extremely quiet and no legal action has been pursued in this case. Up until now, there has never been any mention of race when the hispanic race has been mentioned in the media or anywhere else. So the obvious reason in mentioning it now is to seek conviction under the racist hate crime laws that only apply to caucasian Americans of any nationality. Keep in mind however, one of the biggest voting blocks that Barry needs to be re-elected comes from legal and illegal hispanic voters. Would Barry cut his nose off to spite his face? I think not! The White House has been supportive of the Martin family to give the impression to the black community that he (Barry Soetoro), is wanting social justice. However, if that were the true case of the matter, the Justice Department would be hounding Zimmermans every move.

This apparently is not the case. Instead, the black panthers are being assigned the dirty deed. Keep in mind, this is the same black panther group that was standing on the outside of Philly voting polls in 2008 insuring that only Barry Soetoro voters were allowed in, and nothing was done to them than by the Justice Department. To my knowledge, putting out a contract for the murder of an individual in this country is a felony. With all of the rumours going on that the black panther group has done so, social ice appears to taken the place of the rule of law in this country. The only time the rule of law seems to exist in this country is when it is in favor of the ruling class and ruling elite. Perhaps we as Americans should do exactly what the Constitution calls for when a crime has been committed, demand a fair and speedy trial! This double-edged sword has been used long enough. If the Barry Soetoro regime thinks that hate crimes are only committed by caucasian in this country, then the law needs to be reworded to that effect, otherwise the seeking justice at the whim of whom is in power needs to end!

Could the same fraud be used to nominate Romney like it was for Obama?

Having watched the mainstream media promote its agenda with Mitt Romney for more than a year now, it has similar traits as to how they fraudulently promoted Obama in 08. The biggest difference however is that the media has been doing so with Romney on a much larger scale, and with a lot more time than what was done in 08. Although I am no political expert, it seems to me that the media agenda has managed to promote Romney through all of the trumped-up charges and misinformation that was put out on all of the other candidates.

There only has to be one reason for this, to re-elect Barry Soetoro, and continue with the socialist agenda that he has blatantly made public for all to see. Conservatives know that Mitt Romney is far from being a conservative. Yet listening to primary election coverage, you will believe that the conservatives that were, and still are against Romney, “have seen the light” and realize that the media is right, and that Romney is the only republican that could come close to beating Barry Soetoro in November. Too many of us are aware of how the media manipulates polling data to make the point they originally wanted to have made, that being the case, could it not be said they are doing the same thing with their promotion of a sure loser for Soetoros re-election?

Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich stand a much better chance at beating the socialist in November, but if you listen to the news media, they need to pull out now. Either we conservatives demand the GOP nominate a conservative candidate, or it will be time to find alternate means to have representation in government. I have spoken many times about the difference between liberals and conservatives in this country. I would like to point out that in my comparison, you have to keep in mind there are no moderate liberals. Having made that statement, that means there is only one faction in the democratic party to cater to, liberalism. Whereas with the republicans, you have moderates and conservatives as well as a party that wants to draw the line and omit one of the two belief systems.

The GOP refuses to admit that without conservative and independent conservative voters, their agenda and power would not exist. I am willing to say, that the GOP is even more in bed with the mainstream media than most people are willing to admit, that also includes conservative talk show hosts. The fraud that surrounds Barry Soetoro could have easily been made a public outcry if the conservative media had done their job. Yet, they have chosen to ignore the facts that surround the entire presidency, and have chosen to play softball with the “man-child” we have as a president.

Two plus two will always equal four. No matter how much either media wants you to believe it will equal three or five. The facts that either media doesn’t tell will tell you who they are wanting to be in power in any public office. As a conservative, you need to listen closely to what either media does NOT tell you when they cover a politician. You will be amazed at how much both media entities are in bed with each other when you do.

Mainstream media and conservatives

I find it quite amazing how the mainstream media is having a feeding frenzy again at a conservatives expense. Not that what the media is doing is anything unusual, the media has always tried their best to pick the bones of anyone they did not hype or create. All the while, just like in the case of Barry Soetoro, they will protect those they have created at all costs, even at the point of losing all credibility they may still hold. The situation going on today with what Rush Limbaugh said is almost as laughable as what the media did to Herman Cain.

A quick look at what happened to Herman Cain is that the lamestream media made the accusations and opinions toward Cain, without anyone keeping them in check. It was an ugly case of destroy the candidate at all cost, and again, not worrying about any credibility the media may lose or will have lost in the process. Yet, let Rush Limbaugh do something that the media has done in the recent past, and all of a sudden the advertisers to the Limbaugh radio show withdraw their support to his show like the democrats did with Barry Soetoro in 2010.

Now perhaps it’s just me, but I was of the understanding that the 1st Amendment to the Constitution for America was guaranteed to all citizens of this country, not solely to the news media. Seeing that the advertisers feel they would best be served by pulling their advertising from his show, perhaps we should all be willing to protect their image and continue not supporting their bottom line. For many years the media has had much more power over the American public than it was ever intended to have. It’s time we as conservative Americans prove the statement “Nothing (business or government) is too big to fail” to be a true statement. This should apply to those sensationalist that call themselves journalists as well!

The double standard that the media has created HAS TO END! Why not now? Just because the “victim” was a liberal, that doesn’t mean that only the liberal media can have an opinion of the situation, and that the American public is not entitled to different opinions, even if that opinion is from an alternate news media figure. It’s time to put on your big boy panties news media, and admit to what you have done is wrong, or admit that what Rush said was only opinion and he is just as much entitled to his opinion as the news media is theirs!