The only way for Romney to win is a landslide

All of the polls are now pushing that Mitt Romney will win this fall. I must caution everyone reading them that polls can NOT be trusted. Polling data is and has always been manipulated in the terms that those paying for the polls to show results. Also, keep in mind the news media lies every time they open their mouths. The news media has for over a year now said that Romney was the ONLY candidate that could beat Barry Soetoro this fall. If you look at the primaries to date, I would say there are still many people in this country that believe the news media.

This country is at a momentous turning point in its history. This fall could tell the fate of which way we as a republic will go. Knowing that the regime had a one billion dollar war chest as soon as last fall is not a comforting thought, but we also have to keep in mind that through the regimes own policies, that one billion dollars does NOT have the purchasing power it did as little as 10 years ago. Either way, it still means a lot of illegal and dead votes for the regime that nobody will be able to question simply because the Justice Dept will not allow it. I have stated many times, once the American voter goes into the voting booth this fall, if the choice is Romney or Soetoro, the voter will choose the real thing over the cheap imitation.

If there is any hope for our republic, Mitt Romney will HAVE to win by a landslide! There will have to be overwhelming more votes for Romney than all of the fraudulent votes for Soetoro combined. If Romney is really serious about obtaining the office, he will have to draw more of the conservative vote to him. At this point from what I have heard or seen, it’s not going to be easy. Too many conservatives have stated they would stay home and not vote. I always thought that only adults voted in elections. I guess that thought was wrong and misguided. As much as I would love to vote for someone in an election, it looks like this is another election in which I will be voting against someone to prevent them from staying in office.

Those of you whom have decided if Romney gets the nomination you are going to stay home, keep in mind, without your vote Barry is re-elected. It’s just that simple. Without a real vote to counter-act a fraudulent vote, Romney looses. Now a lot of people have made statements that people can change. In my experience, people can change, politicians refuse to do so because once they adopt an agenda, they will never back down from it.
As much as we dislike what has happened in this country, can we afford seeing it change before our eyes to something it may never come out of? It’s time to man up and be adults, so we can end this nightmare this fall, not by just a little bit by a landslide!

Ted Nugent proved if you don’t use your rights you have lost them

Recently Ted Nugent spoke at an NRA rally. Ted is a very outspoken advocate of the 2nd amendment as most people know. After his speech however, the Secret Service is now doing an “investigation” over his comments. I find it quite odd how when there was a republican president in office, when liberals were speaking out almost to the point of threatening personal harm to government officials, they called it free speech. It was ok to hang effigies of George W Bush and call that freedom of expression. Today though, if you hang an effigy or speak out for any rights guaranteed under our Constitution, you are a threat to national security! I would like to point something out that a lot of people seem to not realize, by speaking out, being vocal, making an issue of what is going on, Ted Nugent used his 1st amendment rights!

I’ve said this time and time before, and I will continue saying it, know your rights, use your rights, and never give God-given rights to an entity that didn’t grant them to begin with. While George Bush was in the White House, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton both made speeches about how good it was to speak out against ANY administration. Today and all through this regime, they have changed their tone and said if you speak out against Barry Soetoro and his minions you are a threat to our nation. How many of you besides me find it odd as to how the Bush administration handled the “free speech” of those that were against the administration at the time, and the way things are being handled now?

During the last 25 years prior to the current regime, racism had all but stopped being an issue in homes and work places. Now that Barry made race an issue in his election campaign on ’08, the race baiters have found a new way to make a living and be in the spot light again. We have an administration that has turned its back on Christian values, yet they refuse to end national Christian holidays and pay for those days. What Ted Nugent said was a call for all of the America loving citizens to do what our founders intended for us to do. If you haven’t made your mind up on whom to vote for in November, now is the time to do homework, examine their records, abilities, or lack of both, and make your mind up for the election in November.

I want to also add one other thing. It’s great to say “atta boy Ted”, but it is still not exercising your right to free speech. It’s time we all became vocal and did the same thing Ted Nugent is doing. It’s tough to stand on a weak limb and speak out, but when there is enough support under that limb, it becomes a platform nobody can destroy!

Ronald Reagan had it right. Are we better off now than four years ago?

In the 1980 campaign season, Ronald Reagan asked us all “Are you better off now, than you were four years ago?” Let’s all look at what we are facing now than we were before Barry Soetoro was elected. Four years ago, nationwide gas prices were approximately 1.89 a gallon. Today, we are facing 4.00 a gallon nationwide. Four years ago nationally unemployment was 7.9% with it being at its highest in 8 years. Today, if you actually believe anything put out by the government, the unemployment rate is 8.5%. Amazingly enough however, when Jimmy Carter was in office prior to Reagan, the news media created what was known as a “misery index”. Under Barry Soetoro, nothing is said about the misery because the media refuses to report anything that is negative about this administration.

Once Barry ascended as president, he began his reign of spending like their was no tomorrow, to the point of having spent more money than any of the 43 presidents that have preceded him. In 2009, the regime began issuing bailouts to companies that were “too big to fail”. By doing so, the government took a majority control of automobile manufacturing. As it were not enough to have in place cafe standards, the government just simply took control of most of the entire industry. Banks and financial institutions were bailed out with tax payer money in the same way the automobile industry was.

The regime didn’t stop with just all of this. Within 2 years, the government had passed legislation to take over the healthcare industry completely. The powers of the EPA were greatly expanded to basically end the ability of private companies to expand their business in this country. Today we have more czars appointed in this government than ever in the Soviet Union at one time. When will the people of this country finally decide to do something about this? I have mentioned in an earlier blog, the ruling elite will only rule as long as people are willing to accept what they are doing. Why are 312 million people allowing a group of 535 people (and this is just congress I might add) to push them around like we are the peasants, and not the creator of government?

For the first time in my lifetime, we have a president that has told us that a certain income level was “rich”. Even by today’s standards, a 250,000.00 dollar annual income is not rich! I won’t even begin to rant about the political parties that have endorsed this premise. As much as most conservatives loved Ronald Reagan as a leader, the hard and simple truth is President Reagan is dead. Perhaps it’s time to stop holding our standards to Reagan, and listen to new ideas that are conservative and will save our great republic. Keep in mind, the ideas Reagan had were new in his time, it’s time to listen to new ideas and endorse them to conservative values as they apply.

It does not take another Reagan to do what he did. It takes a visionary with the love for this republic and our founding documents to do what is right, and to return personal responsibility to those that want to accept it. If there is any hope for our republic and our nation, the voters going to the polls this fall will have to remember the question “Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?” Then answer that question with their vote.

Let’s solve this…Really? By doing the same things?

This weekend, The Master’s golf tournament was televised on the CBS television network. One of the sponsors for the telecast was Exxon/Mobile. I watched several of their ads pertaining to education in this country. Now keep in mind, Exxon is the same company that brought us the Exxon Valdez catastrophe in Alaska back in the late 80s. In the advertisements, the announcer is referring to the low ranking of United State school (indoctrination centers) math scores. During the commercials they also mention the way to correct our ranking of 25 in the world is to hire more teachers to teach our kids. Ok, am I the only one that sees the insanity here?

Let’s look at this entire picture piece by piece. First of all, you have a company that is encouraging more union teachers to continue doing the same thing they have been doing. For the last 40 years, the solution to our education problems in this country has been to pour more and more taxpayer dollars into the education system. 40 years later, we are continuing to fall in ranks in education of our next generation of great leaders. Secondly, if this was not a big government/union endorsement of continuing tenure in our schools, it’s missed a major opportunity.

Keep in mind, you will hear the unions screaming that we need more schools and teachers, which they have been doing because the chorus line is a habit now, along with a federal government telling the parents of these impressionable minds of mush that they are not educated enough to know what is best for their children to learn. ONLY government is smart enough, and the parents have no say in the equation. I suppose, had there been the smart intelligent people around when the Exxon Valdez incident was happening, the accident would not have happened. Way to go unions!

I have to ask, if the teachers unions were so great, and keep in mind it’s the teachers that write the parents the notes that their kids have ADHD, so that the parents will take them to the doctor and have them medicated so the teachers can keep their tenure, why is the solution ALWAYS the same in this country? The solution is NOT more money, the solution is to let the free market bear what it can in educating our young. The solution is to END tenure, and busting the teachers unions so that if they want a pay check they will HAVE to earn it!

I can honestly say that Maxine Waters had it right for once, but it wasn’t the tea party she should have made the statement about. In her immortal words the teachers unions “should go straight to hell!” As much as we all want our government back in the hands of the people who created it, the education of our children should be left up to the parents, not a government that is in bed with a union of a group of people who are promoting agenda over substance.

Is anyone surprised that Barry is NOT a Constitutional Scholar?

Recently, Barry Soetoro made a statement in front of two other foreign dignitaries, that “a group of unelected government officials did not have the right to overrule Congress”. This statement was made in reference to the Supreme Court judges hearing the case over the Constitutionality of the individual mandate in the “Obamacare” law. I do not proclaim myself to be anywhere close to being a Constitutional scholar, however, I have educated myself enough on the Constitution to know that elected or not, legislation is not legal if it is not introduced, and voted on by the elected office holders of both congressional houses.

If Barry were what he was proclaimed to have been, not only by the news media but also himself I might add, he would also know that side-stepping Congress to get legislation passed by executive order is just as unlawful! Nowhere in the Constitution does it give an elected president the power to create legislation by executive order if Congress will not pass the legislation he wants passed. I have stated many times in the past, “the Constitution says what it means, and means what it says.” Today, we have Supreme Court judges that look to foreign Constitutions or documents to find validity to our laws, and not our own Constitution.

The Constitution for the United States was never meant to be held to the validity of our laws, it was meant to be the supreme law that all of our laws were to be held to. When Circuit courts overrule the will of the people, such as the laws voted on in Oklahoma to make Sharia law illegal, is that not the same thing as what Barry was comparing to the Supreme Court is doing with the “Obamacare” legislation? Legislation from the bench was also never accepted in our Constitution, unless of course if you are a liberal. For instance, the Roe Vs Wade decision was never meant to be a decision to create law, it was an appealed case between two individuals. Yet, the liberals and feminist hold this decision to be the “law of the land”, and to this day there is still no legislation or Constitutional amendment to verify that idea.

So Barry, I find it interesting that you proclaim yourself to be something you obviously have no idea of being. Just these examples do not work with what your ideas and actions have shown. Here’s an idea, we know you are a pathological liar, try telling lies to people who will believe you from now on, we are tired of them.