Don’t bother with revolution, save the bloodshed

I have heard many people say that if Barry Soetoro is re-elected next fall it will lead to revolution. Don’t bother! Save the bloodshed and just take what government gives you. Now that I have upset you to the point of not wanting to read anything else, you might want to hear me out. This country is in the condition it is in simply because there are not enough people willing to stand up for God. Now just because you believe in God, you think that is all you need to do right? Is it politically correct to publicly state your belief in God?

This nation seems to think we do not have the right to offend people who come here outside of our laws. Really? Where are their rights? Just because they are in this country, nothing guarantees them rights under OUR Constitution! We currently have a government and a public that believe if you come here without proper immigration you are not a criminal. Just when did the rule of law get thrown out? Just because its not politically correct to follow the laws that were good enough for our forefathers, does that mean that we shouldn’t follow them without repealing the laws themselves?

For a revolution to be effective and successful, it will mean those people who have turned their backs on God publicly, will have to acknowledge Him now in the public arena. You and I both know that once government takes things away, it never gives them back without some kind of civil unrest or revolution. The current social problems in this country were created by the government at the insistence of the voters in this country. Until we as the citizens of this country stand up and take responsibility for our actions, educate ourselves and our children about our rights and liberties, we are going to continue to fall into a third world status!

We now have a news media that has more power over the public than it was ever intended to have. Why is this you ask? WE gave them that power! The citizens of this country have blindly placed it’s trust in people they have no known knowledge of, to tell them the truth of what they are reporting. The point being here is we as a nation have allowed everything that is happening in this country today. We have no one else to blame than ourselves. Now, when we are suffering the fruits of what we have done to ourselves and we are complaining about it. What did we expect? You don’t plant a squash in the ground and expect a rose to grow in its place because you don’t like squash!

So, save the bloodshed. Live with what we have done to ourselves if you want. The other choice will be ugly and nasty if you don’t. If you commit to change, you need to commit to the things that change involve. Revolution was not the answer without divine influence when we won our freedom from England over 200 years ago, what makes you think revolution will be the answer today without the same influence?

Merry Christmas has real meaning

“For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten son”. Do we really know what that means? I know we all interpret the bible in our own way. Think about how much love it would take to give up your only child for the worlds sins. Is there anyway any mortal man could comprehend that much love? We as human beings understand that life is finite. We understand that in God’s eyes, we are only here for a moment. However, there are those moments that God smiles on all of us that believe in Him, and grants us a miracle. I can honestly say that this Christmas I have been granted one of God’s miracles. To many people who read this, it may not seem like much. Until you have been in a situation of complete hopelessness, and despair you can not understand what I am about to tell you.

I am one of the unfortunate that have been unemployed for over a year now. I have basically lost a vehicle to repossession because of being unemployed. Understand that just because I am drawing unemployment, I am not just sitting here doing nothing. I have been to numerous interviews, filled out many, many more applications. At this point the only thing I have for employment is a seasonal job for an amusement park. Not too much to build a life around, or support a family with a special needs child.

I am still looking for work. I have yet to give up just because I haven’t found anything. Recently, I lost my father to a massive stroke that took him from us all. Although my dad and I were not close, and the friendship was not there, he was still my dad and I still feel the sense of loss for him. The bills have gotten to the point that now “Peter is wanting his money we have been paying Paul”. I have helped a very dear friend of mine that I have never met through some very troubling times for him and his family. Through it all, I have never asked “when is it my turn?” I can say honestly that God saw what I and my roommate has been doing and in the last couple of days he has rewarded us greatly!

The old saying of, “what you send out will come back to you ten fold” is true. We have sent out love, and love is being shown to us in more ways than we ever imagined. Many people would call them blessings or miracles. I just call it love. Once again Heavenly Father, thank You so much for the love You have shown us.

I know the Christmas celebration (holiday) was established by the Catholic church. Many Christians have a problem with it being so close to the Wiccan celebration of Yule. Regardless, it is still a celebration of Jesus’ birth. How many of us could possibly deal with knowing you were to die for people who were never born in order for them to be saved in the eyes of your Father? God saw fit to claim the Jews as His chosen people. He also saw fit to make America His chosen country. Isn’t it time we repaid the eternal wisdom of God, and prove to Him we are worthy of the many blessings He’s given us? There was only one time there was no room in the Inn for Joseph and Mary. So Jesus was born in a stable.

Let us not say again there is no room in the Inn for God in this country. God have given us many things in our history to prove his love for this nation. Thank You God for everything you have done for me, and the country I love. It’s time we repay You for everything You have done for this nation. Merry Christmas everyone!

Political correctness and liberalism

Here we are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in not only our country, but world history, and yet the liberals seems to think there’s nothing wrong with any thing they are doing. Liberals seem to think we shouldn’t offend anyone. They also seem to think that political correctness is the answer to the worlds problems. I find it odd how we ever made it to this point without political correctness. If I offend you, I promise that you will not find anywhere in the Constitution that guarantees you the right not to ever be offended.

Today, it is politically correct to blame those “evil rich people” because they won’t share their wealth with “those less fortunate”. We have an entire movement going on in our country that believe the CEOs of these companies are not entitled to massive bonuses, yet, they say nothing about the millions of dollars of taxpayers money paid to the directors of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Am I the only person that doesn’t understand this?

We have an office holder in the White House that has yet to be “properly vetted”, the liberals seem to think that nothing is wrong with it. Had it have been a conservative candidate, they would be screaming bloody murder and standing there with the Constitution in their hand talking about how it was being violated. These are the same liberals that don’t want to hear about the Constitution when it’s legislation they want passed, or someone they want to have appointed in an office illegally.

I find it funny that these people were the ones that raised the roof when Al Gore lost the election in 2000 all because of the votes in Florida, yet they say nothing when there is proven voter fraud involved in keeping one of their “good ole boys” in office. The hypocrisy is mind-blowing. What is even more mind-blowing is the American voter allows this to happen and says nothing about it! When will the people of this country understand that saying or doing nothing about a wrong is the same thing as condoning it?

Our founders had faith that in placing the power in the people of this country, it would prevent exactly what is happening. The liberals believe that our Constitution was written for the world, not just this country. If you think this is a far-fetched notion, listen to them. How often do you hear them say “We the People of the United States”? If there is hope for this country, it is going to have to be ending political correctness and returning to common sense. Isn’t it odd how we are supposed to be a country based on the rule of law, yet we have people who are elected that feel they are not subject to the laws they pass for “us” to live under. Politically correct or not, common sense will save this great nation.

I find it amusing how the liberals refer to our government as a democracy, yet even in a true democracy, they would not have a majority to rule in this country. In my opinion, liberalism is a self-inflicted mental disorder. Those that think liberalism and socialism will save this country should be made to leave with a one way ticket to the nearest socialist country. Once they are there, their citizenship should be revoked and they should never be allowed to return. It doesn’t make sense that the only country in the world that stands for freedom, should be turned into what a majority of naturalized American fled from.

Like it or not, liberalism and political correctness HAS to die if we are to survive as a nation. It’s time to embrace this fact, and accept it is time to go back to what made this country great.

Now the media judges itself over how they treated Herman Cain

I find it repulsive how the news media is proclaiming non bias in how they treated Herman Cain. Of course the news media pundents only ask themselves if they were unfair, never mind public opinion. Even Fox News has their time with justifying their coverage of the entire string of allegations against a private citizen running for president. This is very similar to what is going on in congress today, with the insider trading investigation. Get this, we have politicians investigating other politicians, and asking if they ever used information they got on legislation to trade stock of companies that would be negatively impacted by it. Does anyone in their right mind expect the politicians to find any wrongdoing? If this doesn’t exemplify the point, why doesn’t every chicken farmer use foxes to guard their hen-house?

So needless to say, the news media found nothing wrong with convicting Herman Cain in the court of public opinion on nothing more than cheap allegations, and absolutely no solid evidence. Now in true form, the news media, and that includes Fox News, are slapping themselves on the back for doing such a great job of “true journalism”. Heaven help any of them if they are ever found facing allegations of even jay walking, and it being made public. None of the same news media has focused their attention on true national matters since the Cain allegations came to the forefront. Why aren’t they going after Eric Holder as hard as they did Herman Cain? Why isn’t Barry Soetoro being exploited with his gay sex allegations that were made prior to his election in 08?

Let me say this, I sincerely hope that the allegations are true for the news medias sake. If they are found to be false, I sincerely hope we all DEMAND the media to make a top news story out of it! This is like trying a serial murderer in front of a jury of murders. It’s all well and good that the serial murderer killed numerous people, until the jury finds out that he/she molested a child prior to its death. If the allegations of sexual misconduct are found to be false, and they are a result of some big payoffs to the complainants, Herman Cain needs to go after every single news organization for libel and slander. There should be as much mercy given to the news media as they have given him!

Congratulations News Media, you have again proven your superiority.

Well, as I sit and watch the news media pundents pat themselves on the back for taking another candidate out of the race for the republican nomination, I have to wonder just how long will it be before the American people rise up against the same racist news media? Keep in mind, these were the same people who told America when Barry Soetoro was elected, if you were against him you were a racist. These were the same people who when all of Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades happened, dismissed them because it was all about sex. Bill Clinton had far more solid evidence against him with his sex allegations than Herman Cain had. Yet in true fashion, the news media tried Cain in the court of public opinion. How do you win any case when the opposing side holds all of the cards, even if there is no solid evidence of wrong doing?

This is what is called good journalism today. Just how would those same people who have reported allegations take the same thing being done to them? Just because they report the news, that doesn’t make them immune from being entrapped the same way they do their chosen victims. The only reason the mainstream media ever focused on Herman Cain, was because he won the Florida straw poll. Up until that moment, they didn’t consider him a viable candidate for the White House.

If Barry Soetoro had been called everything the liberals had called Herman Cain, would he have been voted in as president? What would have happened if a law professor had told Barry Soetoro that he needed to “get off of the symbolic crack pipe”? Why didn’t the mainstream media report Barry Soetoro for being an “uncle Tom”? Yet, the mainstream media calls those of us that didn’t vote for Barry a racist? If you are honest with yourself, you have to see where the racism truly exists.

Liberalism being promoted by the news media is going to end every freedom we have in this country. The media does not report the clear and present danger of a non violent invasion from the southern border. The administration and the news media refer to those crossing over illegally as undocumented workers, not what they really are, illegal aliens. We have an administration that has paid the way for Palestinians to come here and begin the colonization of America for Islam. Does the news media report this? Is this a top news story by the media?

Where are the true journalist of this country? The ones that believe that only the truth should be reported and opinion kept aside. Will the news media be the ones that proudly tell their children and grandchildren that they remember when America was free? When they do, will they also tell them that it was the news media that made the difference? I doubt they will. It will be placed on the American people because they chose to listen to the media.

Shame on you Tea Party members!

When the tea party movement began in 2009, one of the biggest platform issues that was mentioned was it wanted no more career politicians. The average everyday John Doe had to be better than any of the career politicians that we had in office at that time. Now granted, to find Jesus walking among us was going to be very difficult to find. I have to ask would Jesus run for political office in the situation of today’s corruption and greed? As the field began to develop this year, there was one candidate that literally fit the bill for the tea party. So, like the typical fickle Americans we have been for the last 40 years, the tea party ignored the non career candidate because they wanted someone with experience in office.

Perhaps this is a rather obvious point, but if you want a non career politician, they are NOT going to have political experience! Is this what our country has become? Are we in search of a man without sin? If that is the case, we are in major trouble. The American people have been brainwashed to believe everything our news media reports as the truth. When the tea party formed, I personally had hope that there were a lot of Americans that had begun to see what I had seen. Obviously I was wrong. Unlike many Americans, I have no problem admitting I am wrong when I am. I guess everything I was taught in school and have learned about America since my school days was just a pipe dream. To think that Americans would stand up, and suggest change to our government, was asking more than most people would accept I suppose.

The tea party movement has become stagnant this year. I have to ask why? Did those people think that once they got tea party believers in office their job was over? If that is the case, the tea party is just as much of a fraud as are all of the other political factions in this country. I don’t want to hear “well they had good intentions”. The road to hell is paved with tons of good intentions! If good intentions was what we based our way of life on, we would have been a third world country shortly after WWII. In my opinion you either believe in the founding documents or you don’t. If you don’t know what they say, and have never read them, READ THEM! They were written in plain, simple english for everyone to be able to read and understand.

Today we have groups of people all around this country occupying public parks and protesting. Half of them don’t even know why. These people proclaim themselves to be the 99% of Americans that are not rich and are getting shafted by the 1%. Communism taking root, and the American people refuse to see it or admit it. Someone asked me in the last couple of months, “What will it take to get our country and government back to what it was?” My reply was “a complete reset”. If this country has any hope of remaining free and being the only beacon of hope and freedom in the world, as painful as it may be to reset, it will be necessary to do. I don’t believe the tea party movement will be the answer. It has shown its true colors in the recent past. Once you back down from what you say you will stand against you lose what credibility you had.

The American people have heard enough false promises, we WANT and demand action now! It is becoming more and more apparent that the tea party movement is NOT the answer. So I have to ask, what is the answer? There are more and more Americans fed up with the current situation that do love our founding documents, and do love our freedom. There are more and more talking about taking up arms and leading a revolution. As each day goes by, with what little action is going on, could this be the only and last hope for our country? Please don’t misunderstand me, those elected tea party members have done the best we could hope for under the situation they were placed into office. I applaud them for taking a stand and not backing down from it.

But if the tea party doesn’t want to have a career politician in office, and then refuse to back the only non career politician running, what does that say about the tea party? Just remember, “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!”